As keen home brewers we were always hassling our commercial brewer friend Mark for surplus ingredients. Then one day, back in 2015, he dumped 20 kilos of hops on our doorstep and said "There you go. Get rid of that lot and you can keep some for your next brew ", and that's how it started... We now stock over 110 varieties and have built up a good relationship with a couple of fantastic hop merchants and farms. So if you can't see the variety you're after then let us know and we may be able to do something for you.
We've grown far more than any of us expected and all good things must come to an end. Mark needed to focus on the brewing business, so we parted a while back on good terms. We now concentrate our minds on hops, yeast and malt and hopefully supply some good ingredients to you brewers out there? But we like to keep it intimate, so no more growing for us because at the end of the day we like to write a couple of thank you emails, put our feet up and watch the world go by with a pint in hand...
Happy brewing and take care out there!
Steve, Tom, Cammy and wayward Mark